Unique about Volcanoes national park

Unique about Volcanoes national park : What is unique about volcanoes national park? Volcanoes national park is apparently the oldest national park in east Africa as well as Africa as a continent and inhabits endangered mountain gorillas that are always available for tourists who seek for adventure gorilla tours in Rwanda. Volcanoes national park sits at the border of Mgahinga national park in Uganda and Virunga national park in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Volcanoes National Park is renowned for being the habitat of the endangered mountain gorillas. These majestic creatures live in the lush rainforest on the slopes of the Virunga volcanoes. Visitors have the incredible opportunity to trek through the forest and encounter these gentle giants up close. Besides mountain gorillas, the park also hosts the golden monkey, another rare primate species. Observing these playful and colorful monkeys is a unique experience. Others mammal species includes black-fronted durkers, hyenas, bushbucks and buffaloes among others.

Volcanoes national park is a home of 5 of the 8 Virunga Mountains such as mount Karisimbi, Mount Bisoke, Mount Gahinga, Mount Muhabura and, Mount Sabyinyo and is the smallest national park in Rwanda covering an area of approximately 160km2 of the rainforest and bamboos.  Volcanoes national park offers a lot of unique features and activities only if you take park in participating in them

The park is a home to the rare mountain gorillas

This is one of the most unique feature about volcanoes national park, the park is a home to the unique and incredible endangered mountain gorillas that can be seen on the different slopes of Virunga Mountains. You will have to hike different Virunga Mountains in volcanoes national park that is mountain Muhabura, Mountain Sabyinyo, Mountain Karisimbi, Mountain Bisoke and mountain Gahinga to access different gorilla species which can be found on the slopes of these mountains most especially in the bamboo trees because they use bamboo as food. Hiking the Virunga mountains is a rewarding features which gives you the unforgettable and lifetime adventure, while on a gorilla hike, you will get to see primate species like the different monkey species such as red tailed monkeys, Mona monkeys, vervet monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys among other monkey species where you can also see a number of golden monkeys as well as different bird species.

Volcanoes national park is made of 5 magnificent Virunga mountains

Volcanoes National Park is a home to five of the eight Virunga Mountains such as Mount Bisoke, Mount Karisimbi, Mount Sabyinyo, Mount Gahinga and Mount Muhabura. Most surprising facts about this magnificent volcanoes is, they are homes to about 13 gorilla families that can be spotted in a daily basis by both the tourist and researchers such as the Susa gorilla family, Karisimbi gorilla family, Amahoro gorilla family, Titus gorilla family, Kirwa gorilla family, Kwitonda gorilla family, Sabyinyo gorilla family, Umubano gorilla family, Agashya gorilla family, Ugenda gorilla family and Bwenge gorilla family

Volcanoes national park is home to endangered golden monkeys

Volcanoes national park is the only place where endangered golden monkeys can be found in Rwanda. Golden monkey trekking in Rwanda can be carries out in the park however there have been a few sightings of these monkeys in Nyungwe National Park a park where chimpanzee trekking can be carried out. Endangered golden monkeys are endemic to endangered mountain gorillas and can be only found in Virunga Mountains in Rwanda. Trekking this fascinating primates in a volcanoes national park cost $100 per person and it starts early morning which the trekking rules and regulations similar to those in gorillas, which travelers must adhere to.

Volcanoes national park offers amazing hiking experience

Hiking at volcanoes national park offers the incredible safaris experience to travelers .While hiking tour in volcanoes national park, you will be rewarded with a lot of fascinating attractions such as golden monkeys in bamboo forest, twin lakes of Burera and Ruhondo. You will also be able to see different gorilla families and many different bird species such as archer’s ground robin, collared apalis, Ruwenzori Turaco, handsome francolin, red faced woodland warbler, strange weaver among others. You will as well see Dian Fossey’s gorilla cemetery where many gorillas were killed by poachers in Volcanoes National Park including Digit her favorite gorilla. It’s at this gorilla cemetery that Dian Fossey was also buried near her gorilla friends after finding her dead in her cabin.

Unique about Volcanoes national park
Hiking in Volcanoes national park

Home to Dian Fossey’s grave

Dian Fossey was an American primatologist who risked her life to ensure the conservation of mountain gorillas and other primates. The efforts of Dian Fossey ensured that the endangered mountain gorillas are safe from poachers by carrying out daily patrols, burning poacher’s houses. Dian Fossey also used media to warn the poachers from activities and dangers they were inflicting on the different gorilla families.

Dwell to over 200 bird species

Volcanoes national park is one of the most unique and interesting national park to do birding safaris, the park has a variety of plants species which makes it habitant6 for over 200 species of birds but amazingly 29 are recorded to be endemic to Albertine rift and 13 are those which are endemic ton Virunga mountains. During Rwandan birding tours in volcanoes national park you will have an opportunity to see some of the different kinds of birds such as Red faced Barbet, Miombo Wren-warblers, woodpecker Genolek, red faced barbet, shoebill stork, yellow eyed black flycatcher, Rwenzori double collared, Masked mountain Apalis, Grauer’s rush, Rwenzori hill babbler and stripe breasted tit among others, as well as enjoy the sweet melodies of birds, which sing continually up in the trees.